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Taking a sneak peek of the future @ the High Tech Next 2030

When you gather a few hundred tech enthusiasts to talk about the possibilities the future holds for the 'smartest square kilometer of Europe' and the latest technical developments, you get the High Tech Next 2030. During this event, at the High Tech Campus, multiple organizations (NXP, Philips Healthcare, Cisco, Ziggo, Ericsson..) shared their visions. Topics included (among others): quantum computing, the future of healthcare, artificial intelligence, the smartest port of Europe, and 5G...

Personal highlights from the event:

  • An interesting talk of TU/e professor Carlo van de Weijer, raising the question if our unconditioned world is ready for artificial intelligence.
  • An insightful workshop where Ziggo and Ericsson explained that they are actively looking for 5G applications. And will open a 5G lab on the High Tech Campus in January 2020.

  • How our customer NXP is developing technologies that will help cars to sense and detect neighboring objects that humans might not notice, enabling cars to prevent traffic accidents and predict traffic light changes.
  • A high-speed introduction by Koen Bertels (Professor TU Delft) into the complex world of quantum computing. Expressing the urgency of finding applications with quantum computing but also stating that we are not as far as we think/claim we are.

PS: Interesting fact: Did you know that in their life the Parisians spend an average of 3-4 years looking for a parking spot? A problem that could be reduced by implementing parking spot sensors.
