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Smartify baking processes in the digital bakery

June 16, 2021 - Itility and AMF join forces to accelerate the development of AMF's digital bakery activities.

Whether for the retail baker opening their first business, the industrial baker scaling up operations, or the leading international baker seeking process improvement and greater product variety AMF creates state-of-the-art baking equipment, ensuring maximum product quality with simple operation.

Itility and AMF join forces in the development of digital additions to the mechanical advanced bakery machines. Making them software-controlled and analytics-driven, will enable getting the best possible – and predictable – bakery process.

AMF supports bakeries around the world with best-in-class unit equipment and complete system solutions to optimize operations, improve product quality, and empower bakery teams. A next step in AMF’s bakery empowerment is to make the machines smart and data-driven. With the goal to reduce operational costs for bakers, limit manual operations, and maximize product consistency.

Itility designs and builds digital solutions, by unleashing data, applying continuous data science, and automating decision-making actions. These solutions drive toward new digital business models such as the AMF Smart Applicator or the AMF Smart Oven, and in similar areas where Itility is active: agritech, automotive, manufacturing, and high-tech industry.


Vincent Langelaar, VP Operations AMF: “motivated by our mission ‘Empower your bakery to rise’ I really want to take the next steps in the digital bakery. We need to empower our bakers to further streamline their operational processes, where the knowledge of our bakery specialists is being translated into automated operator decision-making. Itility is the ideal partner to realize this goal, due to their proven track record in data analysis, software engineering, and IoT infrastructure development.”

Peter Schepers, CEO Itility: “we are thrilled to work shoulder-to-shoulder as a partner of AMF in such an exciting field as operational machine efficiency and the digital operator. With this partnership, we can apply our technical know-how and data science knowledge into actually helping the customers of AMF in their baking process.”